Engel, Salo                                                (Universitätsprofessor)

* 1.7.1908                                                 +

V: Fabrikant i. Frankfurt a. M.

abs. 1926





1936 Promotion zum Dr. jur. an der Universität Genf: Artikel fünf und Artikel vierzehn Satz drei der Völkerbundsatzung: Das Stimmrecht bei der Einholung von Gutachten des Ständigen Internationalen Gerichtshofes durch Völkerbundrat oder –versammlung. Annemasse 1936





Dr. Salo Engel, geboren am 31.7.1908. Tod am 17.10.1972. Verheiratet mit Rosel, geb. N. (* 7.9.1910, + 28.7.1973). Grabmal auf dem Neuen Jüdischen Friedhof in Knoxville, Tennessee /USA:





Salo Engel was born on July 13, 1908 in Austria. He began his higher education at the University of Frankfurt, where he graduated cum laude in 1931. He then worked as a lawyer in Frankfurt am Main until 1933, when he resumed his studies at the University of Geneva in Graduate Institute of International Studies. He earned his Ph.D in political science from this institution in 1936, and continued on to perform postdoctoral work at the Academy of International Law in the Hague, Netherlands, in 1937. Engel began working for the Geneva Research Center in 1937, where he remained until taking a position with the Permanent Court of International Justice in 1941.


Engel emigrated to the United States with his wife, Rosel Brauner Engel, in approximately 1947 and began working as a professor of political science and international law at the University of Tennessee. After his naturalization in 1952, he held temporary positions with Harvard University (1958-1959), Louisiana State University (1967), and Middle Tennessee State University (1971). He also served as the legal codification advisor to Panama from 1955 to 1957. Engel died in Knoxville, Tennessee, in October of 1972.


In conjunction with Hull's one-hundredth anniversary observance, UT Professor of Political Science and International Law, Salo Engel, supervised the editing of a proposed volume of essays evaluating various aspects of Hull's career, especially his service as U. S. Secretary of State during the Franklin Roosevelt administration. Among those contributing manuscripts for the proposed volume were Senator Albert Gore (D., Tenn.), Stanley J. Folmsbee, James A. Farley, Dean Rusk, and Averell Harriman.


The largest part of this collection contains correspondence between Dr. Engel and numerous individuals who were chosen to contribute manuscripts to the proposed volume. Among those invited to participate in the project were former Presidents Johnson and Truman, former U. S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson, historian James Mac Gregor Burns, and former National Security Advisor Mc George Bundy. Other materials include correspondence documenting the publication and funding of the proposed project, several unpublished essays on Hull and related topics, and a proposal, initiated by Dr. Engel, for the establishment of a permanent Cordell Hull Memorial Research Center at UT. Unfortunately, Dr. Engel's untimely death dealt a blow to the Hull project and the volume of essays was never published.





On October 17, 1972, Dr. Salo Engel, Professor of Political Scienec at the University of Tennessee, was deprived of live by a sudden heart attack. He leaves a widow, Rosel, and their only son, Michael, now resident in New York.


Dr. Engel was born on July 31, 1908 in Tycon, Austria; he emigrated tot he United States in 1947 and became a citizen of the United States five years later. He was a graduate of the University of Frankfurt am Main; subsequent to his graduation there, he received the degree of Doctor en sciences politiques from Geneva University and the Graduate Institute of Higher International Law, during which time he served as assistant tot he Deputy Secretary-General of the League of Nations.


From 1947 to 1952 he was visiting professor at the University of Tennesse where he was promoted to full professor, beginning in 1952. From that time until his death he was a member of the Department at Tennessee, with the exception of the fall quarter of 1967, when he was professor of political science at Louisiana State University.


During a two-year period, 1956-57, Dr. Engel was the Legal Codification Advisor on staff of the University of Tennessee Mission to Panama, operated under a contact between the Agency for International Development and the University of Tennessee. He was in carge there of a staff of attorneys and assistants which prepared a codification and an index of Panamanian law in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the University of Panama. His work there was well received by Panamanian legalists; during the two years he made many friends among the Panamanians, and with the facility in language which always was a distinguishing characteristic he added to his command of German, Frech, and Englisch, a thorough knowledge of Spanish. His stature in Panama was recognized by the unusual award to him by the Government of Panama of the Order of Balboa.


From 1963 to 1965 he was on leave from the University of Tennessee on a Ford Foundation Faculity Fellowship and then on a Rockefeller Foundation Grant.


Dr. Engel was a student and devoted follower of Professor Hans Kelsen, and one of the works that surely gave him the greatest satisfaction was his editing of a Festschrift honoring Professor Kelsen, published by the University of Tennessee in 1964, under the title Law, State, and International Legal Order: Essays in Honor of Hans Kelsen and edited by him and Dr. R. A. Metall oft he University of Vienna. Numerous other publications in the form of articles, rewiews, and books attest to his devotion to scholarship in the field of international law.


In the autumn of 1972 he was on the verge of taking up his duties as Visiting Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, when death intervened. In the final rites that shortly followed, his rabbi spoke movingly of his death on the threshold oft he Promised Land.


(Nachruf von Lee S. Greene, University of Tennessee, in: PS: Political Science & Politics, Volume 6, 1973; S. 96)